The admission, cardinal
occupation in Hegelian Dialectics and a substantiation of Dependency Theory
comes in far less breathless mode for the idea of Neo-Colonialism than its
almost ubiquitous logically modelled
tautological termination. Where the allotment is non-amplified and where not?
Does the umbilical relation with method of investigation or empiricism, afford
to ignore Historicism?
The impact of Neo-Colonialism
estuary was never intended to be homogeneous owing to predominant nature of
local soil. Extension in categories is without push when third law of Newton
enters. How geographical segmentation authenticates Cause-Effect analysis, is
very peculiar to Neo-Colonialism. Embracing the whole spectrum of theoretical
and practical framework makes the vision holistic one. Domination can't be
offered to either as there exist very rich interdependence in the categories of
tools employed.
Both, gradual and rocket
propelled, supply of Democracy by Liberal World Polity as being fit into every
local demand of human rights and self-rule is the central etiology for
metamorphosis of Neo-Colonialism Into a NEW GLOBAL ORDER. Its in least dilemma, thanks to attached
provisions of automatic manipulation of
essence if not nomenclature. Options are not given, only solutions. The
response got differentiated from being institutional success of experiments in
some South/South-East Asian states to application of monetarism filled
injections into stubborn infantile democracies of newly independent states of
Africa post 1960s. The former experiments though still struggling to prove it
on public policy and proportional representation facets of this idea. Projected
as last resort of every civilized society, Democracy was made to lose
deliberately and intentionally, in efforts to inculcate the diversified ideas
of existence (ethnic/communal) in these newly independent states(who were among
the first subjects of Neo-Colonialism) because as an idea of governance, it was
implicitly( overt in some other cases) fueled by Imperial-Comprador ruling
class nexus, Neo-Patrimonialism, Clientalism, Persistence of arbitrary border
divisions, Military coups, Elite pathology, Augmented social cleavages and Authoritarianism. But no fuel was ever
made available, either by nationalist elite leaders or those who initiated the
process, for its fruitful application at domestic front. The civil wars of 1970s (Angola, Mozambique), 80s
(Liberia, Somalia), 90s (Algeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone), beginning of 21st
century (Ivory coast, Darfur) projected the conception of such polity to be
either out of context for thesis states or pathologically manifested. For
multiplication of wrongs, the disinfection process got initiated in the
hierarchies of various International Conferences, World summits, UN
collaborations, further alienating the subject masses from an appropriate
engagement with their desirable idea of leadership and norms of governance,
something which is core of democracy. This diversion of Life Forces from
internal to external factors only contributed to lubrication of Mechanical
Instruments Of Neo-Colonialism than organic growth of grass root democratic
arrangements. A Fundamental right of SELF RULE was taken away without much
realization on anybody's part. On other
end of string, well framed opportunities was lost by the biggest
Intergovernmental Organisation on this planet from realizing the soul of World
Parliament on number of occasions, something which would have pushed this
assembly of democratic ideas to a palpable level.
The glimpse of Cold war
chicanery and sophistry found their appearances motivated toward such ends of
Neo-Colonialism which were quite "in-hand" ties with its other
characteristic. Resistance from backyard (Latin American countries), Arabian
Peninsula, South/South-East Asian states through measures like NAM(NON-ALIGNED
MOVEMENT) were further diluted by planting economic and military (CENTO, SEATO
etc) ideas in these regions which till date is breathing normally in MENA
segment of world. Reincarnation after collapse of Socialist citadel isn't much
Political Processes of such arrangements
never got completely meta morphed into a defunct instrument in some of Asian
countries like India which further left no ground for experimenting with other
form of rule. This was a kind of
vindication to speak for, though in far more louder pitch than reality.
Economically, how shifting
of economic thoughts from International Keynesianism to Neo- Liberalism and
Monetarism, had its stems in domestic economic conditions of erstwhile colonial
master states ( when idea of Welfare state failed to meet the aspirations of
middle and working classes in these countries, the tool was changed to
Neo-liberalism considering it to be panacea) than anywhere else in the world,
rotate between 16th-first half of 20th
century productive economies and a
stagflation suffered unproductive economic activities of post 1970s
period. Both the eras of these economic
thoughts were never a demand driven supply for underdeveloped states. Implementations
of neo- economic paradigm through well opinionated institutions like IMF, WORLD
BANK, UNDP, all over the world was meant to meet the ends of neo-colonial
masters than the upliftment of vast poverty ridden population of south. The
very regional models of these institutions (ADB, ASEAN etc.) have the same game
played among the states of South. Big dominate small here as well even if small
has more natural resources. If empiricism is the best way to reality, the
anticipated magnificent economic outcomes have eluded to appears on the
horizons of countries in south even after trillions of dollars were stashed
into the deep pockets of MNCs and corporate speculators which never gets
transformed into EQUAL amount of employment opportunities and GDPs in subject
states . Neither did the much sought after domestic model of economic
activities was allowed to take birth. The debated attachments of technology and
management who wear the face of New, have actually been the outmoded products
for neo-colonials, rendering nourishment of indigenous R&D in competitive
over-nourishment and financial undernourishment. THE RECIPIENTS AND
equation hasn't ceased to exist. Back
home are the common citizens in grip of Austerity measures who have now started
feeling the back-heat of Neo-Colonialism, be it PIIGS or any other developed
state in North. Channelization of funds under the banner of Climate Change is
just a mirror reflection of foreign aid and its impact, something which alone has the capacity to
describe the whole idea of Neo-Colonialism. Such aids which has brought every
kind of pleasures to the FAVORITE heads of
former colonies, doesn't even trickle down to third layer of social and
economic strata of these countries. Its not a Dichotomy where Forbes List of
Billionaires is on one end and Hunger Index is on other, ITS A CONTINUUM.
The two fabulous
debutantes in the club are China and
India. Though struggling hard back-home for penetrating livelihood options into
the lives of millions of poor natives, they have their hawk-eyes glued on Dark
Continent, Latin America and some other regions of Asia ( CAFTA is assumed to
be the biggest FTA in the world with trade equation in the favor of China
through manner of conventional colonial "input-output"
equation.). The Institutions of Bilateralism, Multilateralism and Diplomacy seems
to have their ends somewhere in the gulf of Neo- Colonialism than in their
original domain.
The Cultural and Psychological
offspring of Neo-Colonialism is someone which has been brought up and raised by
almost every country without any hesitation except a little cry from right-wing
holders. Be it "Philippine Idol" or "Indian Idol", this
kind of intrusion doesn't seems to ask for more in return when seen from the
eyes of a common man. The "POLICY OF ASSIMILATION" of some of
erstwhile colonial masters still can be referred to if one want to inquire
about WHAT LIES BENEATH. The native way
of life, medicine, dance, exhibition of human emotions has got itself tagged
under "CLASSIC" in most of its birth places. Is it an alternative way
of addressing a human and societal ailment or just defunct, such positioning of
inheritance speaks itself for the disposition already caused. The official
propagation and manifestation is in the name of CULTURAL/PUBLIC DIPLOMACY, but
equipment of measurements like " trade imbalance" are yet to be
discovered and projected here. The Humanitarian interactions ( UNESCO-OBIANG
known personalities of west as ambassadors of UN bodies like UNICEF) and the
Idea of Humanity are the machinations here. "The White Man Burden" or
"Project Civilization" were well discreet in their means and ends, so
for future picture, the inevitable comparisons can yield some result.